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Get the list of Adjustment Items


GET /odata/AdjustmentItems


Returns the paged list of the existing items within all Adjustments. You can filter the results by the strict match using the $filter parameter–entity eq ‘string’. Or filter the results by the partial match using $filter=contains parameter–contains(entity, ‘string’).


This endpoint does not support logical operators (and, or, in, gt, ge, lt, le) for data filtering.

Request parameters

from: string (date-time)
in query
Enter the start date here.
to: string (date-time)
in query
Enter the end date here.
api-version: string default: 1.0
in header
The requested API version.
$search: string
in query
Picks the value in all possible fields.
$filter: string
in query
Filters the results, based on the Boolean condition.
$orderby: string
in query
Sorts the results.
$top: string
in query
Returns only the first n results.
$skip: string
in query
Skips the first n results.
Authorization: string default:
Bearer access_token
in header
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token, which was obtained during authentication.


200 OK OK
400 Bad Request Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in.
400 Bad Request The limit for the $top query has been exceeded. The value from the incoming request is 'N' (N is your value from the request). You can find the data on the current limit here.
401 Unauthorized Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired.
403 Forbidden User doesn’t have appropriate privileges.
500 Internal Server Error Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


adjustmentItemId: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the Adjustment Item
adjustmentId: string (uuid Unique Identifier of the Adjustment
inventoryLocationId: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the Inventory Location
notes: string Comments about the Adjustment Item
lotNo: string Identification Number assigned to a particular Quantity or Lot of material from a single Manufacturer
serialNo: string Unique Identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to an Item to identify it
expDate: string (date-time) Previously determined date after which Item should no longer be used
dateCreated: string (date-time) Date when the Adjustment Item was created
createdBy: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the user who created the Adjustment Item
createdByName: string Name of the user who created the Adjustment Item
lastUpdated: string (date-time) Last Date when the Adjustment Item was updated
lastUpdatedBy: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the last user who updated the Adjustment Item
lastUpdatedByName: string Name of the last user who updated the Adjustment Item
lineNo: integer (int32) Sequence number of the Adjustment Item in the Line Items list
facilityName: string Name of the Facility
locationName: string Name of the Location
dateSubmitted: string (date-time) Date when the Adjustment Item was submitted
inventoryNo: string Identification code of the Inventory Item
inventoryDescription: string Description of the Inventory Item
classificationName: string Name of the Category of the Item defined on the Organization level
vendorName: string Name of the Vendor
vendorItemNo: string Code that is used by the Vendor for the Item identification
quantity: integer (int32) Quantity specified in the Line Items
impactQuantity: integer (int32) Unit that is used for differentiation of the quantity change
uom: string Unit of Measure
conversionFactor: integer (int32) Number of Stock Keeping Units in another Unit of Measure
adjustmentTypeText: string Type of transaction: Increment, Decrement, or Overwrite
unitCost: number (double) Cost of the one unit of the Adjustment Item
extendedCost: number (double) Total Cost of the Line
Response Example (200 OK)
  "items": [
      "adjustmentItemId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "adjustmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "inventoryLocationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "notes": "string",
      "lotNo": "string",
      "serialNo": "string",
      "expDate": "string (date-time)",
      "dateCreated": "string (date-time)",
      "createdBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "createdByName": "string",
      "lastUpdated": "string (date-time)",
      "lastUpdatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "lastUpdatedByName": "string",
      "lineNo": "integer (int32)",
      "facilityName": "string",
      "locationName": "string",
      "dateSubmitted": "string (date-time)",
      "inventoryNo": "string",
      "inventoryDescription": "string",
      "classificationName": "string",
      "vendorName": "string",
      "vendorItemNo": "string",
      "quantity": "integer (int32)",
      "impactQuantity": "integer (int32)",
      "uom": "string",
      "conversionFactor": "integer (int32)",
      "adjustmentTypeText": "string",
      "unitCost": "number (double)",
      "extendedCost": "number (double)"
  "nextPageLink": "string",
  "count": "integer (int64)"

Get the specified Adjustment Item


GET /odata/AdjustmentItems({adjustmentItemId})


Returns the details of the Adjustment Item specified by ID.

Request parameters

adjustmentItemId: string (uuid)
in path
Enter the ID of the Adjustment Item here.
api-version: string default: 1.0
in header
The requested API version.
Authorization: string
Bearer access_token
in header
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token, which was obtained during authentication.


200 OK OK
400 Bad Request Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in.
401 Unauthorized Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired.
403 Forbidden User doesn’t have appropriate privileges.
404 Not Found Specified ID is absent in the system.
500 Internal Server Error Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


adjustmentItemId: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the Adjustment Item
adjustmentId: string (uuid Unique Identifier of the Adjustment
inventoryLocationId: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the Inventory Location
notes: string Comments about the Adjustment Item
lotNo: string Identification Number assigned to a particular Quantity or Lot of material from a single Manufacturer
serialNo: string Unique Identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to an Item to identify it
expDate: string (date-time) Previously determined date after which Item should no longer be used
dateCreated: string (date-time) Date when the Adjustment Item was created
createdBy: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the user who created the Adjustment Item
createdByName: string Name of the user who created the Adjustment Item
lastUpdated: string (date-time) Last Date when the Adjustment Item was updated
lastUpdatedBy: string (uuid) Unique Identifier of the last user who updated the Adjustment Item
lastUpdatedByName: string Name of the last user who updated the Adjustment Item
lineNo: integer (int32) Sequence number of the Adjustment Item in the Line Items list
facilityName: string Name of the Facility
locationName: string Name of the Location
dateSubmitted: string (date-time) Date when the Adjustment Item was submitted
inventoryNo: string Identification code of the Inventory Item
inventoryDescription: string Description of the Inventory Item
classificationName: string Name of the Category of the Item defined on the Organization level
vendorName: string Name of the Vendor
vendorItemNo: string Code that is used by the Vendor for the Item identification
quantity: integer (int32) Quantity specified in the Line Items
impactQuantity: integer (int32) Unit that is used for differentiation of the quantity change
uom: string Unit of Measure
conversionFactor: integer (int32) Number of Stock Keeping Units in another Unit of Measure
adjustmentTypeText: string Type of transaction: Increment, Decrement, or Overwrite
unitCost: number (double) Cost of the one unit of the Adjustment Item
extendedCost: number (double) Total Cost of the Line
Response Example (200 OK)
  "adjustmentItemId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "adjustmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "inventoryLocationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "notes": "string",
  "lotNo": "string",
  "serialNo": "string",
  "expDate": "string (date-time)",
  "dateCreated": "string (date-time)",
  "createdBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "createdByName": "string",
  "lastUpdated": "string (date-time)",
  "lastUpdatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "lastUpdatedByName": "string",
  "lineNo": "integer (int32)",
  "facilityName": "string",
  "locationName": "string",
  "dateSubmitted": "string (date-time)",
  "inventoryNo": "string",
  "inventoryDescription": "string",
  "classificationName": "string",
  "vendorName": "string",
  "vendorItemNo": "string",
  "quantity": "integer (int32)",
  "impactQuantity": "integer (int32)",
  "uom": "string",
  "conversionFactor": "integer (int32)",
  "adjustmentTypeText": "string",
  "unitCost": "number (double)",
  "extendedCost": "number (double)"