Get the specified Purchasing Unit
GET /odata/PurchasingUnits({inventoryVendorPurchasingUnitId})
Returns the details of the Purchasing Unit specified by ID.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Explanation |
inventoryVendorPurchasing UnitId: string (uuid) required in path |
Enter the ID of the Purchasing Unit here. |
api-version: string default: 1.0 in header |
The requested API version. |
Authorization: string default: Bearer access_token in header |
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token , which was obtained during authentication. |
Response |
Explanation |
200 OK | OK |
400 Bad Request | Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in. |
401 Unauthorized | Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired. |
403 Forbidden | User doesn’t have appropriate privileges. |
404 Not Found | Specified ID is absent in the system. |
500 Internal Server Error | Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
Property |
Explanation |
inventoryVendorPurchasing UnitId: string (uuid) |
Unique Identifier of the Inventory Vendor Purchasing Unit |
inventoryVendorId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Inventory Vendor |
vendorName: string | Name of the Vendor |
vendorNo: string | Code of the Supplier who sells products |
vendorUOM: string | Vendor's Unit of Measure |
vendorConversionFactor: integer (int32) |
Number of Stock Keeping Units in another Vendor's Unit of Measure |
vendorCost: number (double) | Cost of the Vendor |
activeStatus: boolean | Is the status of Purchasing Unit active or not? |
lastVendorCost: number (double) | Last Cost of the Vendor |
costLastUpdated: string (date-time) |
Last Date when the Cost was updated |
costLastUpdatedBy: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the last user who updated the Cost |
costLastUpdatedByName: string | Name of the last user who updated the Cost |
dateAdded: string (date-time) | Date when the Purchasing Unit was added |
addedBy: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the user who added the Purchasing Unit |
addedByName: string | Name of the last user who added the Purchasing Unit |
lastUpdated: string (date-time) | Last Date when the Purchasing Unit was updated |
lastUpdatedBy: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the last user who updated the Purchasing Unit |
lastUpdatedByName: string | Name of the last user who updated the Purchasing Unit |
Response example (200 OK)
Response example (200 OK)
"inventoryVendorPurchasingUnitId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"inventoryVendorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"vendorName": "string",
"vendorNo": "string",
"vendorUOM": "string",
"vendorConversionFactor": "integer (int32)",
"vendorCost": "number (double)",
"activeStatus": "boolean",
"lastVendorCost": "number (double)",
"costLastUpdated": "string (date-time)",
"costLastUpdatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"costLastUpdatedByName": "string",
"dateAdded": "string (date-time)",
"addedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"addedByName": "string",
"lastUpdated": "string (date-time)",
"lastUpdatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"lastUpdatedByName": "string"