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Create new Usages


POST /odata/Usages/BulkAdd


Creates new Usages within a logged organization.

Request body

For usage(s) creation

facilityNo: string
in formData
Identification Number of the Facility.
If not provided: 400 Bad Request.
usageDate: string
in formData
Date of the Usage.
If not provided: Date according to the user Time Zone.
departmentNo: string
in formData
Number of the Department.
If not provided: User Default Department if it is set and matches with user Default Facility. Otherwise, none.
patientNo: string
in formData
Number of the Patient.
If not provided: none.
reference: string
in formData
Information concerning the Usage.
If not provided: Empty.
caseNo: string
in formData
Number of the Case.
If not provided: Empty.
trackingCode: string
in formData
Code for Tracking.
If not provided: Empty.
physicianNo: string
in formData
Number of the Physician.
If not provided: The none value if it is not specified or it doesn't match the specified Facility.
usageType: string
in formData
source: string
in formData
Request Example
  "facilityNo": "string",
  "usageDate": "string (date-time)",
  "departmentNo": "string",
  "patientNo": "string",
  "reference": "string",
  "caseNo": "string",
  "trackingCode": "string",
  "physicianNo": "string",
  "usageType": "string",
  "source": "string",
Request Example
     "facilityNo": facilityNo1,
     "departmentNo": departmentNo1
     "facilityNo": facilityNo3,
     "departmentNo": departmentNo3
     "facilityNo": facilityNo2,
     "departmentNo": departmentNo2

Request parameters

api-version: string default: 1.0
in header
The requested API version.
Authorization: string default:
Bearer access_token
in header
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token, which was obtained during authentication.


200 OK OK
400 Bad Request Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in.
401 Unauthorized Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired.
403 Forbidden User doesn’t have appropriate privileges.
500 Internal Server Error Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Response example (200 OK)

Submit Usages


POST /odata/Usages/BulkSubmit


Submits usages within a logged organization.

Request body

For Usage(s) submition

usageId: string
in formData
Unique Identifier of the the Usage.
If not provided: 400 Bad Request.
Request Example
  "usageId": "string(uuid)",
Request Example
    "usageId": "UsageId1"
    "usageId": "UsageId2"
    "usageId": "UsageId3"

Request parameters

api-version: string default: 1.0
in header
The requested API version.
Authorization: string default:
Bearer access_token
in header
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token, which was obtained during authentication.


200 OK OK
400 Bad Request Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in.
401 Unauthorized Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired.
403 Forbidden User doesn’t have appropriate privileges.
500 Internal Server Error Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Response example (200 OK)
"Usage has been submitted successfully."

Custom errors

200 OK There is at least one Line Item with the Quantity 0 (zero) on the Line Items tab.
Response Example
At least one line item has zero quantity.
200 OK Usage contains Line Item with a negative Quantity and required Tracking.
Response Example
At least one Item with Tracking values has negative Quantity.
200 OK Usage has been already submitted by another user.
Response Example
Usage has been already processed, submitted, or canceled.
200 OK Usage has completed Line Item with Tracking by Serial Number and Quantity/CF larger than 1.
Response Example
At least one line item requires serial number tracking and has a quantity larger than one.
200 OK Usage contains Line Item with not unique Serial Number.
Response Example
Usage contains not unique serial number. 
200 OK Usage contains Line Item with Tracking by Expiration Date and Quantity larger than Expiration Date quantity.
Response Example
Line items with Tracking by Expiration Date have insufficient quantity.
200 OK Usage contains Line Item with Tracking by Lot No with Quantity larger than Lot No Quantity.
Response Example
Line items with tracking by Lot No have insufficient quantity.
200 OK Usage contains Line Item with Tracking by Serial No with Quantity larger than Serial No Quantity.
Response Example
Line items with tracking by Serial No have insufficient quantity.
200 OK Some arithmetic overflow errors occurred during the Usage submission.
Response Example
Arithmetic Overflow Error(s) occurred during submission process.
200 OK Usage contains at least one Implant Line Item with Implant CompletedNo.
Response Example
At least one implant line item is not completed.
200 OK Usage contains failed Line Item(s).
Response Example
Usage has failed line item(s).
200 OK Patient field is not specified, but Usage requires a selected Facility option of the Patient.
Response Example
Usage requires a patient.
200 OK Case Number is not unique within a Facility or is not set.
Response Example
Usage requires a unique case number.
200 OK Department field of the Usage is not specified (“None”).
Response Example
Department is required.
200 OK Patient, Procedure, Physician, Case Number, and Schedule fields of the Usage are not specified and the Usage requires a procedure, Usage requires a doctor, Usage requires a case number, Usage requires a schedule number, and Usage requires a patient Facility settings are enabled.
Response Example
Usage requires a case number.
Response Example
Usage requires a doctor.
Response Example
Usage requires a procedure.
Response Example
Usage requires a schedule number.
200 OK Enable block billable supplies for Usage Facility option is selected,
Usage is created for a current Facility and contains Line Item with
Is BillableYes.
Response Example
At least one line item is billable.
200 OK Do Not Allow Negative On-hand Quantity Facility option is selected,
Quantity on Hand is less than Qty*CF of the Usage
Inventory Item.
Response Example
At least one line item doesn't have required Qty on Hand.