Get the list of Vendor Facilities
GET /odata/VendorFacilities
Returns the list of Vendor Facilities within a logged organization. You can filter the results by the strict match using the $filter
parameter–entity eq ‘string’. Or filter the results by the partial match using $filter
=contains parameter–contains(entity, ‘string’).
Request parameters
Parameter |
Explanation |
api-version: string default: 1.0 in header |
The requested API version. |
$filter: string in query |
Restricts the set of items returned. The maximum number of expressions is 100. |
$orderby: string in query |
Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. |
$search: string in query |
Picks the value in all possible fields. |
$top: string in query |
Returns only the first n results. |
$skip: string in query |
Skips the first n results. |
Authorization: string default: Bearer access_token in header |
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token , which was obtained during authentication. |
Response |
Explanation |
200 OK | OK |
400 Bad Request | Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in. |
400 Bad Request | The limit for the $top query has been exceeded. The value from the incoming request is 'N' (N is your value from the request). You can find the data on the current limit here. |
401 Unauthorized | Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired. |
403 Forbidden | User doesn’t have appropriate privileges. |
500 Internal Server Error | Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
Property |
Explanation |
vendorFacilityId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Vendor Facility |
facilityId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Facility |
vendorFacilityNo: string | Identification Number of the Facility |
vendorFacilityName: string | Name of the Vendor Facility |
vendorId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Vendor |
vendorNo: string | Code of the Supplier who sells products |
vendorName: string | Name of the Vendor |
locationId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Location |
locationNo: string | Identification Number of the Location |
locationName: string | Name of the Location |
shipToAccount: string | Ship To Account |
billToAccount: string | Bill To Account |
leadTime: integer (int32) | Allowed Time for the Completion |
shippingValue: number (double) | Value of the Shipping |
shippingType: string | Type of the Shipping |
discountValue: number (double) | Value of the Discount |
discountType: string | Type of the Discount |
taxValue: number (double) | Value of the Tax |
taxType: string | Type of the Tax |
vendorGLCode: string | General Ledger Code of the Vendor |
vendorAPNumber: string | Accounts Payable Number of the Vendor |
vendorFacilityPOAlert: string | Vendor Facility Purchase Order Alert |
dateAdded: string (date-time) | Date when the Vendor Facility was added |
addedBy: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the user who added the Vendor Facility |
addedByName: string | Name of the user who added the Vendor Facility |
lastUpdated: string (date-time) | Last Date when the Vendor Facility was updated |
lastUpdatedBy: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the last user who updated the Vendor Facility |
lastUpdatedByName: string | Name of the last user who updated the Vendor Facility |
activeStatus: boolean | Is the Status of the Vendor Facility active or not? |
apToleranceLevel: number (double) | Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevelType: integer (int32) | Type of the Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevelType Value: string |
Type Value of the Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
paymentMethodId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Payment Method |
paymentMethod: string | Purchase Order Payment Method |
paymentTermsId: string (uuid) | Purchase Order Payment Terms |
paymentTermsValue: string | Value of the Payment Terms |
fobId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Free On Board (Destination or Ship Point) |
fobValue: string | Value of the Free On Board (Destination or Ship Point) |
shipMethod: string | Method of Shipment |
shipVia: string | Way of Shipment |
apToleranceLevel2: number (double) | Discrepancy2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevel2Type: integer (int32) | Type of the Discrepancy 2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevel2Type Value: string |
Type Value of the Discrepancy 2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level: number (double) |
Tolerance Level for Free-Form of the Account Payable |
apFreeFormedTolerance LevelType: integer (int32) |
Type of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level |
apFreeFormedTolerance LevelTypeValue: string |
Value of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level Type |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2: number (double) |
Second Tolerance Level for Free-Form of the Account Payable |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2Type: integer (int32) |
Second Type of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2TypeValue: string |
Second Value of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level Type |
defaultBlankPOExpected Date: boolean |
Expected Date of Delivery Purchase Order Blank by default |
defaultPONotes: string | Default Notes fo Purchase Orders |
creditCardIDId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Credit Card |
creditCardID: string | Identifier of the Credit Card |
credirCardDescription: string | Description of the Credit Card |
currencyTypeId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Currency Type |
currencyTypeValue: string | Value of the Currency Type |
vendorXref: string | Cross Reference of the Vendor |
autoAttachProcessOCR: boolean | Indicates Automatical Processing of OCR Invoices |
minimumOrderTypeId: integer (int32) | Identifier of the Minimum Order Type |
minimumOrderTypeValue: string | Value of the Minimum Order Type |
minimumOrder: number (double) | Minimum Order |
matchOptionId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Match Option |
matchOptionValue: string | Value of the Match Option |
ocrMatchOptionId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the OCR Match Option |
ocrMatchOptionValue: string | Value of the OCR Match Option |
splitTaxValue: boolean | Value of the Split Tax |
splitDiscountValue: boolean | Value of the Discount Split |
splitShippingValue: boolean | Value of the Split Shipping |
takeDepartmentsIntoAccount: boolean | Take Departments into account |
taxableItemsOnly: boolean | Take Taxable Items only into account |
Response example (200 OK)
Response example (200 OK)
"items": [
"vendorFacilityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"facilityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"vendorFacilityNo": "string",
"vendorFacilityName": "string",
"vendorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"vendorNo": "string",
"vendorName": "string",
"locationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"locationNo": "string",
"locationName": "string",
"shipToAccount": "string",
"billToAccount": "string",
"leadTime": "integer (int32)",
"shippingValue": "number (double)",
"shippingType": "string",
"discountValue": "number (double)",
"discountType": "string",
"taxValue": "number (double)",
"taxType": "string",
"vendorGLCode": "string",
"vendorAPNumber": "string",
"vendorFacilityPOAlert": "string",
"dateAdded": "string (date-time)",
"addedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"addedByName": "string",
"lastUpdated": "string (date-time)",
"lastUpdatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"lastUpdatedByName": "string",
"activeStatus": "boolean",
"apToleranceLevel": "number (double)",
"apToleranceLevelType": "integer (int32)",
"apToleranceLevelTypeValue": "string",
"paymentMethodId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"paymentMethod": "string",
"paymentTermsId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"paymentTermsValue": "string",
"fobId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"fobValue": "string",
"shipMethod": "string",
"shipVia": "string",
"apToleranceLevel2": "number (double)",
"apToleranceLevel2Type": "integer (int32)",
"apToleranceLevel2TypeValue": "string",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel": "number (double)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevelType": "integer (int32)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevelTypeValue": "string",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2": "number (double)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2Type": "integer (int32)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2TypeValue": "string",
"defaultBlankPOExpectedDate": "boolean",
"defaultPONotes": "string",
"creditCardIDId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"creditCardID": "string",
"creditCardDescription": "string",
"currencyTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"currencyTypeValue": "string",
"vendorXref": "string",
"autoAttachProcessOCR": "boolean",
"minimumOrderTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"minimumOrderTypeValue": "string",
"minimumOrder": "number (double)",
"matchOptionId": "integer (int32)",
"matchOptionValue": "string",
"ocrMatchOptionId": "integer (int32)",
"ocrMatchOptionValue": "string",
"splitTaxValue": "boolean",
"splitDiscountValue": "boolean",
"splitShippingValue": "boolean",
"takeDepartmentsIntoAccount": "boolean",
"taxableItemsOnly": "boolean"
"nextPageLink": "string",
"count": "integer (int64)"
Create a new Vendor Facility
POST /odata/Vendors({VendorId})/VendorFacilities
Creates a new Vendor Facility for a specified active Location (All Locations) within an active Vendor logged in an organization.
Request body
Parameter |
Explanation |
facilityId: string (uuid) required |
Unique Identifier of the Facility |
locationId: string (uuid) required |
Unique Identifier of the Location |
shipToAccount: string | Ship To Account |
billToAccount: string | Bill To Account |
leadTime: integer (int32) required |
Allowed Time for the Completion |
paymentMethodId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Payment Method. If not provided: None. |
paymentTermsId: string (uuid) | Purchase Order Payment Terms. If not provided: None. |
creditCardIDId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Credit Card. If not provided: None. |
fobId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Free On Board (Destination or Ship Point). If not provided: None. |
shipMethod: string | Method of Shipment |
shipVia: string | Way of Shipment |
vendorXref: string | Cross Reference of the Vendor |
matchOptionId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Match Option. If not provided: None. |
ocrMatchOptionId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the OCR Match Option. If not provided: None. |
taxableItemsOnly: boolean | Take Taxable Items only into account |
takeDepartmentsIntoAccount: boolean | Take Departments into account |
minimumOrder: number (double) | Minimum Order |
minimumOrderTypeId: integer (int32) | Identifier of the Minimum Order Type. If not provided: warning message. |
discountValue: number (double) | Value of the Discount |
discountTypeId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Discount Type for the Vendor Facility. If not provided: %. |
splitDiscountValue: boolean | Value of the Discount Split |
taxValue: number (double) | Value of the Tax |
taxTypeId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Tax Type. If not provided: %. |
splitTaxValue: boolean | Value of the Split Tax |
shippingValue: number (double) | Value of the Shipping |
shippingTypeId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Shipping Type. If not provided: %. |
splitShippingValue: boolean | Value of the Split Shipping |
vendorGLCode: string | General Ledger Code of the Vendor |
vendorAPNumber: string | Accounts Payable Number of the Vendor |
apToleranceLevel: number (double) | Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevelType: integer (int32) | Type of the Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor. If not provided: % (Unit Cost). |
apToleranceLevel2: number (double) | Discrepancy2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevel2Type: integer (int32) | Type of the Discrepancy 2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor. If not provided: % (Unit Cost). |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level: number (double) |
Tolerance Level for Free-Form of the Account Payable |
apFreeFormedTolerance LevelType: integer (int32) |
Type of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level. If not provided: $ (Extended Cost). |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2: number (double) |
Second Tolerance Level for Free-Form of the Account Payable |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2Type: integer (int32) |
Second Type of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level. If not provided: $ (Extended Cost). |
currencyTypeId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Currency Type. If not provided: USD. |
defaultBlankPOExpected Date: boolean |
Expected Date of Delivery Purchase Order Blank by default. If not provided: true . |
autoAttachProcessOCR: boolean | Indicates Automatical Processing of OCR Invoices |
vendorFacilityPOAlert: string | Vendor Facility Purchase Order Alert |
defaultPONotes: string | Default Notes fo Purchase Orders |
Request Example
Request Example
"facilityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"locationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"shipToAccount": "string",
"billToAccount": "string",
"leadTime": "integer (int32)",
"paymentMethodId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"paymentTermsId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"creditCardIDId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"fobId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"shipMethod": "string",
"shipVia": "string",
"vendorXref": "string",
"matchOptionId": "integer (int32)",
"ocrMatchOptionId": "integer (int32)",
"taxableItemsOnly": "boolean",
"takeDepartmentsIntoAccount": "boolean",
"minimumOrder": "number (double)",
"minimumOrderTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"discountValue": "number (double)",
"discountTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"splitDiscountValue": "boolean",
"taxValue": "number (double)",
"taxTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"splitTaxValue": "boolean",
"shippingValue": "number (double)",
"shippingTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"splitShippingValue": "boolean",
"vendorGLCode": "string",
"vendorAPNumber": "string",
"apToleranceLevel": "number (double)",
"apToleranceLevelType": "integer (int32)",
"apToleranceLevel2": "number (double)",
"apToleranceLevel2Type": "integer (int32)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel": "number (double)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevelType": "integer (int32)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2": "number (double)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2Type": "integer (int32)",
"currencyTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"defaultBlankPOExpectedDate": "boolean",
"autoAttachProcessOCR": "boolean",
"vendorFacilityPOAlert": "string",
"defaultPONotes": "string"
Request parameters
Parameter |
Explanation |
vendorId: string (uuid) required in path |
Enter the ID of the Vendor here. |
api-version: string default: 1.0 in header |
The requested API version. |
Authorization: string default: Bearer access_token in header |
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token , which was obtained during authentication. |
Response |
Explanation |
200 OK | OK |
400 Bad Request | Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in. |
401 Unauthorized | Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired. |
403 Forbidden | User doesn’t have appropriate privileges. |
500 Internal Server Error | Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
Response Example (200 OK)
Response Example (200 OK)
Get the specified Vendor Facility
GET /odata/VendorFacilities({vendorFacilityId})
Returns the details of the Vendor Facility specified by ID within a logged organization
Request parameters
Parameter |
Explanation |
vendorFacilityId: string (uuid) required in path |
Enter the ID of the Vendor Facility here. |
api-version: string default: 1.0 in header |
The requested API version. |
Authorization: string default: Bearer access_token in header |
Specify the type of the token (bearer) and then insert the access_token , which was obtained during authentication. |
Response |
Explanation |
200 OK | OK |
400 Bad Request | Incorrect input data or organization ID does not match with the organization ID user is logged in. |
401 Unauthorized | Incorrect specified access_token or access_token got expired. |
403 Forbidden | User doesn’t have appropriate privileges. |
404 Not Found | Specified ID is absent in the system. |
500 Internal Server Error | Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
Property |
Explanation |
vendorFacilityId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Vendor Facility |
facilityId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Facility |
vendorFacilityNo: string | Identification Number of the Facility |
vendorFacilityName: string | Name of the Vendor Facility |
vendorId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Vendor |
vendorNo: string | Code of the Supplier who sells products |
vendorName: string | Name of the Vendor |
locationId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Location |
locationNo: string | Identification Number of the Location |
locationName: string | Name of the Location |
shipToAccount: string | Ship To Account |
billToAccount: string | Bill To Account |
leadTime: integer (int32) | Allowed Time for the Completion |
shippingValue: number (double) | Value of the Shipping |
shippingType: string | Type of the Shipping |
discountValue: number (double) | Value of the Discount |
discountType: string | Type of the Discount |
taxValue: number (double) | Value of the Tax |
taxType: string | Type of the Tax |
vendorGLCode: string | General Ledger Code of the Vendor |
vendorAPNumber: string | Accounts Payable Number of the Vendor |
vendorFacilityPOAlert: string | Vendor Facility Purchase Order Alert |
dateAdded: string (date-time) | Date when the Vendor Facility was added |
addedBy: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the user who added the Vendor Facility |
addedByName: string | Name of the user who added the Vendor Facility |
lastUpdated: string (date-time) | Last Date when the Vendor Facility was updated |
lastUpdatedBy: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the last user who updated the Vendor Facility |
lastUpdatedByName: string | Name of the last user who updated the Vendor Facility |
activeStatus: boolean | Is the Status of the Vendor Facility active or not? |
apToleranceLevel: number (double) | Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevelType: integer (int32) | Type of the Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevelType Value: string |
Type Value of the Discrepancy between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
paymentMethodId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Payment Method |
paymentMethod: string | Purchase Order Payment Method |
paymentTermsId: string (uuid) | Purchase Order Payment Terms |
paymentTermsValue: string | Value of the Payment Terms |
fobId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Free On Board (Destination or Ship Point) |
fobValue: string | Value of the Free On Board (Destination or Ship Point) |
shipMethod: string | Method of Shipment |
shipVia: string | Way of Shipment |
apToleranceLevel2: number (double) | Discrepancy2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevel2Type: integer (int32) | Type of the Discrepancy 2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apToleranceLevel2Type Value: string |
Type Value of the Discrepancy 2 between the original PO and the Invoice sent by the Vendor |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level: number (double) |
Tolerance Level for Free-Form of the Account Payable |
apFreeFormedTolerance LevelType: integer (int32) |
Type of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level |
apFreeFormedTolerance LevelTypeValue: string |
Value of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level Type |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2: number (double) |
Second Tolerance Level for Free-Form of the Account Payable |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2Type: integer (int32) |
Second Type of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level |
apFreeFormedTolerance Level2TypeValue: string |
Second Value of the Account Payable Free-Formed Tolerance Level Type |
defaultBlankPOExpected Date: boolean |
Expected Date of Delivery Purchase Order Blank by default |
defaultPONotes: string | Default Notes fo Purchase Orders |
creditCardIDId: string (uuid) | Unique Identifier of the Credit Card |
creditCardID: string | Identifier of the Credit Card |
credirCardDescription: string | Description of the Credit Card |
currencyTypeId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Currency Type |
currencyTypeValue: string | Value of the Currency Type |
vendorXref: string | Cross Reference of the Vendor |
autoAttachProcessOCR: boolean | Indicates Automatical Processing of OCR Invoices |
minimumOrderTypeId: integer (int32) | Identifier of the Minimum Order Type |
minimumOrderTypeValue: string | Value of the Minimum Order Type |
minimumOrder: number (double) | Minimum Order |
matchOptionId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the Match Option |
matchOptionValue: string | Value of the Match Option |
ocrMatchOptionId: integer (int32) | Unique Identifier of the OCR Match Option |
ocrMatchOptionValue: string | Value of the OCR Match Option |
splitTaxValue: boolean | Value of the Split Tax |
splitDiscountValue: boolean | Value of the Discount Split |
splitShippingValue: boolean | Value of the Split Shipping |
takeDepartmentsIntoAccount: boolean | Take Departments into account |
taxableItemsOnly: boolean | Take Taxable Items only into account |
Response example (200 OK)
Response example (200 OK)
"vendorFacilityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"facilityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"vendorFacilityNo": "string",
"vendorFacilityName": "string",
"vendorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"vendorNo": "string",
"vendorName": "string",
"locationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"locationNo": "string",
"locationName": "string",
"shipToAccount": "string",
"billToAccount": "string",
"leadTime": "integer (int32)",
"shippingValue": "number (double)",
"shippingType": "string",
"discountValue": "number (double)",
"discountType": "string",
"taxValue": "number (double)",
"taxType": "string",
"vendorGLCode": "string",
"vendorAPNumber": "string",
"vendorFacilityPOAlert": "string",
"dateAdded": "string (date-time)",
"addedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"addedByName": "string",
"lastUpdated": "string (date-time)",
"lastUpdatedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"lastUpdatedByName": "string",
"activeStatus": "boolean",
"apToleranceLevel": "number (double)",
"apToleranceLevelType": "integer (int32)",
"apToleranceLevelTypeValue": "string",
"paymentMethodId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"paymentMethod": "string",
"paymentTermsId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"paymentTermsValue": "string",
"fobId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"fobValue": "string",
"shipMethod": "string",
"shipVia": "string",
"apToleranceLevel2": "number (double)",
"apToleranceLevel2Type": "integer (int32)",
"apToleranceLevel2TypeValue": "string",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel": "number (double)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevelType": "integer (int32)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevelTypeValue": "string",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2": "number (double)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2Type": "integer (int32)",
"apFreeFormedToleranceLevel2TypeValue": "string",
"defaultBlankPOExpectedDate": "boolean",
"defaultPONotes": "string",
"creditCardIDId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"creditCardID": "string",
"creditCardDescription": "string",
"currencyTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"currencyTypeValue": "string",
"vendorXref": "string",
"autoAttachProcessOCR": "boolean",
"minimumOrderTypeId": "integer (int32)",
"minimumOrderTypeValue": "string",
"minimumOrder": "number (double)",
"matchOptionId": "integer (int32)",
"matchOptionValue": "string",
"ocrMatchOptionId": "integer (int32)",
"ocrMatchOptionValue": "string",
"splitTaxValue": "boolean",
"splitDiscountValue": "boolean",
"splitShippingValue": "boolean",
"takeDepartmentsIntoAccount": "boolean",
"taxableItemsOnly": "boolean"